Mt. Lemmon Infrared Observatory -- Altitude 2800 m (9157 feet)

An aerial view of the summit of Mt. Lemmon. This "sky island" is located approximately 45 miles north of the University of Arizona in the Coronado National Forest in the Catalina mountains. In this view looking south towards Tucson, the 60-inch telescope is at the extreme bottom center and the 40-inch telescope is above it to the right of the road. The men's and women's dormitories are the long, darkish buildings near the top center. Further to the right is the Learning Center of the Mt. Lemmon SkyCenter, a year-long educational offshoot of Astronomy Camp. At the extreme right center is another 60-inch telescope operated by the University of Minnesota. This telescope played a a fundamental role in the development of infrared astronomy. In the building adjacent to that telescope dome, there is a half-court gymnasium for lectures, demos, and recreation. Most of the camp activities, including meals, take place in the Minnesota and SkyCenter facilities.
This 20-acre site has played a historic role in the defense of our country and in the development of infrared astronomy. It was formerly a Radar Base of the Air Defense Command and was converted into an observatory for infrared astronomy in October 1970. Until 2003, a geodesic dome near the left center of the aerial view housed the last of the radar tracking facilities which was operated by Ft. Huachuca. This station was also able to direct the Space Shuttle to an emergency landing in White Sands, New Mexico and was involved with initial testing of cruise missile navigation. The square area at top right is a former communications center for the Titan m issile defense system. Further information and interesting photos about the role of Mt. Lemmon and the Air Defense Command can be found in the Arizona Daily Star and at Air Defense Radar Veterans' Assoc. (select "Radar Museum," then "Radar Sites," and search for the location of "Lemmon.")
The summit area itself is Federal land and is maintained by the University for astronomical research and science education under the terms of a Permit with the U.S. Forest Service. The site operates on commercial electrical power with its own standby power plant. Water is obtained from several deep wells and stored in 500,000-gal. tanks (right center). A full-time supervisor resides at the site. Emergency medical personnel are based only three miles away and a helicopter landing area is available (left of geodesic dome) for emergencies.
The 24-inch (Phillips) and 32-inch (Schulman) reflectors

The 60-inch Cassegrain reflector of the Mt. Lemmon Observing Facility (MLOF)
This f/15 infrared-optimized telescope played a fundamental role in the pioneering developments of infrared astronomy in the 1970's and is still operated by the Universities of Minnesota and Arizona. During that time, the summit of Mt. Lemmon was the highest altitude, continental site for infrared astronomy. Advanced Astronomy Campers use the 2MASS camera for infrared imaging observations in the so-called J,H,K wavelengths bands in the near-infrared spectrum.
The 60-inch Cassegrain reflector - Catalina Sky Survey

Both the former 40- and 60-inch telescopes were developed "in-house" at the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory's optics shop by optician Mr. Robbie Wayland. They are described in his book "Optics of the Cassegrain."
The former 20-inch Jamieson reflector

The former 40-inch Cassegrain reflector

The foreground of this picture shows a roll-off roof building housing the robotically operated 24-inch Manner telescope of University of Louisville. Previously, this dome contained an automatically observing 10-inch f/10 telescope operated by the Optical Communications Group at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) for "atmospheric visibility monitoring" measurements. Three AVM systems were located throughout the Southwest. They operated autonomously to collect data on stellar intensities in conjunction with weather information. The goal was to determine experimentally the statistics of atmospheric transmission in order to assess the suitability of optical communication with deep space probes. Articles describing this facility were published in Laser Focus World (June 1998, pp. 139-141) and in the SPIE (1997).
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